SharpThought™ Requirements Management
The requirements definition process provides the backbone of the entire
development effort. Every aspect of the program, from initial architecture
through final acceptance testing, is based upon the necessity of meeting a
stated set of requirements. A well-structured set of clear and concise
requirements will facilitate these efforts; a poorly structured set of
ambiguous requirements may well result in defects not detected well into the
testing phase; defects that can require almost complete re-engineering of the
The Alterion SharpThought Product Requirements Review and Assessment is
a component of the SharpThought Requirements Process family of processes.
Its purpose is to assess the overall structure of a requirements set. This
assessment includes clarity of overall scope, completeness of requirement
structure, and clear definition of requirements categories. The assessment
does not, however, examine individual requirements for completeness,
consistency, and unambiguity – this activity is accomplished by the
SharpThought Functional Requirements Review and Assessment. A requirements
set meeting the goals of the SharpThought Product Requirements Review and
Assessment will be well structured for effective use in later development
About SharpThought™ Services
Aligning the core management tools of Process Improvement, Quality Management, Risk
Mitigation and Technical Expertise to a varied spectrum of business activities, Alterion
has constructed the SharpThought™ methodology for bringing repeatable control
mechanisms to bear on complex and demanding projects. With a steady history of diverse and
challenging engagements, Alterion has created a methodology that can improve all phases of
an organization's business activities.
Contact Alterion to learn more about
SharpThought IV&V and how it can fulfill the business execution needs of your